Furnace Articles
We receive countless calls every time the temperatures drop below normal ranges, as homeowners here in Bend encounter problems with their home’s heating system. With the record-low temperatures and extreme conditions most of the country is currently experiencing, our AccuAir Heating and Cooling professionals want to share some insights and tips with you to keep your indoors cozy while Old Man Winter blusters away outdoors.
Continue ReadingAccording to the US DOE, gas furnaces operated by pilot lights are considered heating systems with lower efficiency.
Continue ReadingWintertime is here. That means your family will be spending more time indoors to stay warm.
Let’s face it: running your furnace gets expensive. Heating alone accounts for over 40 percent of the average American’s utility bill, according to a US Department of Energy (DOE) analysis. Staying warm can be a costly proposition.
Continue ReadingAt AccuAir Heating and Cooling Inc., we take the safety of our customers in Oregon seriously. That’s why we want you to know how to spot a cracked heat exchanger.
Continue ReadingThe average furnace lasts between 10 and 15 years. But did you know you can take steps to make it last longer? There is no shortcut or hack to increase your furnace’s longevity.
Continue ReadingEven though our AccuAir Heating and Cooling heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) experts are always here for you, as a Redmond homeowner, you should know at least a little something about your heating and cooling system.
Continue ReadingIf you ever hear your gas furnace turn on but cannot feel any warm air blowing from the vents inside your Oregon home, chances are the pilot light went out.
Continue ReadingYour helpful neighbor suggested the issue you are having with your gas furnace sounds like it could be due to a cracked heat exchanger. What is a heat exchanger? How can you tell if this is the issue? What should you do about it?
Continue ReadingLet’s face it—there’s never a good time for the heat to go out in your Oregon home. You certainly don’t want to wait until your heating system stops working for you to realize you need a replacement!
Continue ReadingThis winter, you’re hoping to have a brand new furnace to keep you warm. But there are so many furnaces to choose from. You’re left wondering, which is the right one for your Bend home?
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